Concessionary Bus Pass Renewal
It is the responsibility of the pass holder to check when their pass is up for renewal and then to contact the County Council to get a new one. Please click on the following link for more information.
NHS News – Cambridgeshire’s Sustainability and Transformation Five Year Plan
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Sustainability and Transformation Plan
Cambs & Peterborough Backs Devolution Deal
Press Release – Cambridge City Council’s Decision to Approve Devolution
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Devolution Deal – Latest News
No Cold Calling Zones in Ely
For information on protecting the elderly and vulnerable people in Ely, click here.
Avoid Unnecessary trips to your Doctor and A&E
Click on the following link for information on how to avoid unnecessary trips to your Doctor or A&E by having stocks on basic medicines in the home.
Non-Emergency Contact Information for the Police
Reporting non-emergency situations online.
Scam Mail
Click on the link to find out what you can do about scam mail. A message from the Royal Mail
Public Spaces Protection Order – Dog Fouling
The Public Spaces Protection Order for dog fouling is now in place, making it an offence to allow dogs to foul in the whole of the East Cambridgeshire district. If there are any particular hotspots in your area, you can inform the Envirocrime Team at East Cambs on
Schoolreaders – Volunteers needed to listen to children read in local primary schools.
Can you spare an hour or two a week to listen to children read in a local primary school? Schoolreaders is looking for more volunteers in the area to carry out this important role.
Reading time for many children at home and at school is often insufficient and one in four children are now leaving primary school unable to read to the required standard. This can have a lifelong consequence. No qualifications are necessary, just a good command of spoken and written English.
Schoolreaders is flexible and will match your availability to an appropriate, local school. Our volunteers find the scheme incredibly rewarding, knowing that a few hours helping a child learn to read each week can have such a great impact on their life chances.
Please visit the website to join or call 01234 924111 for further information.
Stronger for Longer
Cambridgeshire County Council are continuing their ‘Stronger for Longer’ initiative. It’s designed to encourage older adults of 65+ years, to take up strength and balance exercises twice a week to reduce the risk of falling. The campaign signposts people to local classes and provides exercises to do at home. You can find more information and advice on their website
Alternatively, click on the link here. Fall Prevention Poster
For information on what can be recycled in the blue and green waste bins, please click on the following link.
If you would like to talk to someone about
any of the issues below, please see the link for dates and venues for meetings. Community Hub venues and dates.