Personnel, Finance & Governance
To secure the proper administration of the Council’s financial affairs under all relevant legislation
To deal with all matters relating to the establishment, recruitment, appointment and terms of conditions of employment of all staff.
- Membership shall comprise of six members of the Council and two substitute members.
- The Chairman of the Committee will be elected at the Annual Council meeting.
- Three members of the Committee will constitute a quorum.
- Secure the proper administration of the Council’s financial affairs under all relevant legislation.
- The Committee will deal with all matters relating to the establishment, recruitment, appointment and terms and conditions of employment for all staff.
- To receive annual estimates of expenditure and income and control and monitoring of the Council’s approved budget throughout the year.
- Recommendation of precept to Full Council for appoval.
- Tendering and purchasing arrangements.
- Appointment of an independant internal auditor.
- Review of internal and external audit reports and arrange to implement recommendations.
- Maintenance of adequate systems of internal control and internal audit thoughout the year.
- Consider and approve all applications for grants from the Council and make recommendations for consideration by Full Council.
- Undertake annual review of all adopted Council policies and procedures.
- Develop the Council’s financial, business and stragic plan.
- To receive feedback from the Governance Working Group with regard to reviewing how the new Committee structure, adopted 13th July 2020, is working and any other matters which they might be asked to review.
- To receive feedback from the CIL Sub-Committee with regard to any matters in relation to CIL.
- To have a Lead member for Youth to deal with any matters in relation to youth.
- Deal with all health and safety matters.
- Deal will all Communications/PR matters and receive feedback from the Communications/PR Working Group.
- Deal with all legal issues.
Updated 25.05.22
On behalf of the City of Ely Council, the Committee also has powers that it can exercise to recommend to Full Council the following aspects with regard to personnel, finance and governance matters:
- To borrow money for statutory functions or for the prudent management of financial affairs;
- Power to make byelaws;
- Duties in respect of parochial charities;
- Power to act as charity trustees;
- Power to spend money on crime detection and prevention measures;
- Power to issue fixed penalty notices for litter, graffiti and offences under dog control orders;
- Power for an eligible council to do anything subject to statutory prohibitions, restrictions and limitations which include those in place before or after the introduction of the general Power of competence;
- Powers to promote lotteries;
- Powers to act as lead body for a neighbourhood development plan or a neighbourhood development order;
- Power to provide newsletters and have their own website;
- Powers to receive and retain Parish Property and documents;
- Duty to deposit certain published works in a specific deposit libraries;
- Power to admit to be honorary freemen/freewomen of the Council;
- Power to participate in schemes of collective investment.
Structure of the Committee
The Committee comprises of five councillors.
The Committee will discharge is responsibilities by:
- Meeting six times a year and reporting to Full Council.
- Creating and managing a balanced budget;
- Managing the income and expenditure transactions;
- Managing the sales and purchase transactions;
- To undertake the payroll.
- Producing management accounts for decision making for the whole Council.
- Dealing with all matters concerning personnel in line with the current legislation.
- Managing the system for CIL recommendations.
- Managing the grant system.
- Managing the health and safety policy and day to day implementation.
- Undertaking a transparent tendering and procurement system for acquisitions and services.
- Ensuring value for money when dealing with suppliers.
- Creating and updating the Council policies and procedures.
- Ensuring effective communications with all stakeholders and maintaining a positive Public reputation.
- Managing and updating the council’s website.
- Work with the appointed Internal Auditor.
It will use its powers in carrying out these tasks by:
- Regular consultation with the local community and media.
- Participation in Community Panels.
- Regular liaison with East Cambridgeshire District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council and the ECDC Access Group.
- Scrutiny and timely response to all relevant policy reviews and consultations.