Climate & Environment Committee
To support the citizens of Ely address the climate emergency and to nurture pride in the city of Ely by facilitating a clean, healthy and attractive local environment in co-operation with the citizens of Ely, local businesses and other organisations.
The Committee has responsibility for two main areas:
- Street furniture – including dog waste bins, notice boards, benches, flower containers, the Welcome to Ely road signs, some lamp posts and lights, some bus shelters; some trees and green areas; floral displays, and the memorial bench scheme.
- Cimate change – reporting on the city’s carbon footprint and working to reduce our carbon footprint for our Scope 1 emissions (direct emissions).
On behalf of the City of Ely Council, the Committee has powers that it exercises through considering and recommending ways to environmental improvements through co-operative working in the following areas:
- Litter clearing; street cleaning; removal of graffiti; de-cluttering of streets; maintenance of signs and road markings; parking; provision of cycle ways; changes to street lighting; traffic calming measures; care of commons, footpaths, bridleways, ditches and ponds, public clocks, and war memorials.
- Policing, crime reduction, and reduction in anti-social behaviour.
- Highways – particularly through the Local Highway Improvement Bid scheme.
- Climate Change – working to reduce our scope 2 and 3 emissions (indirect emissions).
- CCTV – through partnership with Cambridgeshire Constabulary and the Community Safety Partnership.
Structure of the Committee
The Climate & Environment Committee comprises six council members and two substitute members. Four of the members also sit on the Planning Committee.
The committee will have a nature and climate lens on all decisions taken, especially when discharging its responsibilities. The Committee will discharge its responsibilities by:
- Meeting six times a year and reporting to Full council.
- Regularly inspecting, renovating and replacing existing street furniture where needed.
- Undertaking a regular audit of street cleanliness, lighting and pavement obstructions.
- Planning and budgeting for new street furniture on existing and planned housing and business developments where there are deficiencies.
- Inspecting and maintaining trees and green areas on a regular basis.
- Planning and budgeting for additions to the tree stock and green areas, and their maintenance, on existing and planned housing and business developments.
- Maintaining the current level of floral displays within the city.
- Receiving updates from the CCTV Working Group and the Allotments Association.
- Developing and delivering a climate and nature action plan.
- Reporting on the city of Ely’s carbon footprint, working to reduce our Scope 1 Emissions and supporting the delivery of net zero by 2050.
It will use its powers in facilitating and championing environmental matters and climate change affecting the city of Ely by:
- Delivering against its climate and nature action plan
- Regular consultation with the local community
- Participation and representation at other relevant meetings and groups
- Regular liaison and identification of areas of co-operation with East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC), Cambridgeshire County Council, the Peterborough and Cambridgeshire Combined Authority and the ECDC Access Group
- Scrutiny and timely response to all relevant policy reviews and consultations
- Participation on planning committees
- Participating in the development of plans for infra-structure changes that will result from future housing and business development within Ely that will be funded by the Parish share of the Community Infrastructure Levy